Saturday, August 19, 2006

And the Countdown Begins...

It's only 10 days until my due date...and I'm ready to get this party started! The baby clothes are washed and put away, the house is spit-shined, and the hospital bag is packed. All we need now is for our little princess to make her big debut.

The latest news from the doctor is that we are going to have a big baby. She's measuring at 8 lbs 3 oz according to the ultrasound at 38 weeks gestation. While the measurements can be inaccurate, the consensus is: she's big. I've heard that bigger babies are easier babies, but I have a feeling they are referring to AFTER they are born. Either way, we can't wait to meet her!

Kelli was nice enough to start an online "baby pool" for us. To get into the game, go to . Up in the left-hand corner of the screen, where it says "Invited Guests," type in the word evelyn. Then you can enter your guess. I suggest you enter quickly because once I go into labor, the game will be locked and all bets are off.

I'd like to send out a very heartfelt "thank you" for all of you who hosted and/or attended our showers. We had a wonderful time and we were spoiled beyond belief. It's so comforting to know that our baby will be surrounded with such support and love from our family and friends.


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