Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Lots of Pics

Mommy and Evelyn at the Rogers' Christmas Party

Evelyn's first taste of solid food

After she actually TASTED the food

Proof that the picture taking should be left up to Mommy

(L to R) Beth, Cindy, Jennifer and Connie showing off the ingredients for "Cookie Day." Over 1,000 cookies later and we barely made a dent in the ingredients!

(L to R) Me, Sarah, Amy and Stacy at my Mom's coctail party (a prelude to the Legends Party) Great fun!

Evelyn is now enthralled with her reflection (please excuse the hair...we can't be glamorous ALL the time)

Paula's 21st Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAULA! (those nights out are rare, so I thought I'd document it)
(L to R) Jason, Kim, Ann, Kyle, Paula and Mandy

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Evelyn sitting in her new bouncy seat from Grandma Roberts

Jason, Evelyn, and my Mom watching a little Nutcracker Ballet music box

Evelyn being held by Grandpa Trombly (showing off her little turkey outfit from Aunt Connie)

Kelsey cuddling with Evelyn

We had a great Thanksgiving! We had a lot to give thanks for this year, of course. Thank you Mom and Tim and Kelly for having us.

Mandy and Jason

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Uncle Ryan and Aunt Tena came over to visit little Evelyn. We woke her up and she was all smiles. Doesn't she look so big? She's growing too fast!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


She gives the word "cool" a whole new meaning.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Pretty Smiles at Two Months Old

She's giving those smiles out pretty regularly now. There's nothing better than smiling at her and seeing her flash those big shiny gums back at me. The one with the tongue really cracks me up.

Holy CRAP!

Isn't this against the laws of physics? I mean, if she's sitting upright in her swing, how is it possible to shoot poop out of the FRONT of her diaper. Well, no one can say my daugter isn't talented!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My First Portraits - One Month Old

Oh Baby!

Evelyn is already six weeks old and a whopping 11 pounds 8 ounces! And, dare I say, she is the cutest baby to ever walk the planet. She has the coolest personality, too. She's very calm, but alert. She usually only cries when she absolutely needs something, and she gives smiles out for free! Am I bragging too much? Too bad! It's MY blog...I can do what I want!! :-)

Anyway, back to reality.... Motherhood is fantastic. I love being a mommy. My heart is melting, bursting and glowing at the same time. It's definitely a full time job, though. I have no idea how single mothers do it. You know, I used to say I wanted as many kids as God would bless us I'm saying I want as many as God thinks we can handle.... big difference. :-)

So...Lots of hugs & kisses from me, Jason and Evelyn! We hope to see you at our Halloween party!


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Labor and Delivery

My my my... what an experience! We went in at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5th to start the induction process (Evelyn was a week overdue). They gave me something to soften my cervix, then the waiting began. Jason went home, and I slept. The next day, they gave me Pitocin (the synthetic version of oxytocin, the contraction-inducing hormone) at 11 a.m. Then, the REAL contractions began. Woooohoooo, those little buggers hurt! As the day went on, they increased the Pitocin dosage, which increased the intensity of the contractions. The nurse commented on how I was still smiling...but she was referring to the times BETWEEN contractions. Once the contractions brought tears to my eyes, they had the doctor come in and give me the epidural. Oh my gosh! What a difference! Then they broke my water. Once that happened, I was dilating a centimeter every half hour, if that! After the 13 hours of labor, Evelyn was ready to enter the world.

The pushing lasted two hours. By the end of the first hour, I was begging for help. I said, "Aren't you going to use forecepts?" The doctor said, "No. Push." Then I said, "Aren't you going to use a vacuum?" The doctor said, "No. Push." Then I said, "Are we going to have to have a c-section?" The doctor said, "No. Push." He was obviously bound and determined to make me push that 15 1/4 inch head out!!

Jason was amazing the entire time. I really wonder how he did all the things he did while I was pushing....did he have three hands? He held my leg up while holding my oxygen mask and wiping my face with a cold cloth...How did he do that? He was extremely supportive and kept telling me how great I was doing. He was wonderful.

Then....she came out! When they put that big, red, beautiful baby on my chest, the only thing I could say was, "Oh my God...Oh my God....Hi sweetheart!" Then, they whisked her away to clean her up and check her out. Meanwhile, I was panting like an exhausted dog, periodically asking the nurse, "Is she healthy?" while Jason told me a million times how amazing I was. It felt like a year while the doctor was stitching me up. All I wanted was to hold that beautiful, healthy, 9 1/2 pound daughter of mine.

After a little bonding time, in came the grandparents. I've never seen them so proud and happy. I sat there and watched them as they stood in a little grandparent circle, gushing over our little was so precious. While they were gushing, Jason stood by me, still telling me how amazing I was. I'll never forget that moment.

Here are some things I didn't know about labor and delivery:

1.) Epidurals don't hurt. Oh, on the contrary. Epidurals are a gift from God. I wish there had been a video of me...before and after the epidural. It would be hilarious!

2.) Epidurals wear off! Not because the dosage is lowered...nooooo...because once the baby enters the birth canal, they don't work! It doesn't matter how many narcotics they pump into your I.V., once that baby is ready to come out, you feel every bit of every contraction.

3.) When you feel every bit of every contraction, it HURTS like HELL! I've tried to describe the pain of a contraction as severe menstrual cramps, but somehow, that description does NOT do them justice.

4.) Everyone is different when it comes to contractions and what they want while pushing. I, for instance, wanted silence during my contractions and needed the weight of my legs to be supported between pushing. Weird.

5.) Doctors don't do ANYTHING during the delivery. The only thing my doctor did was the episiotomy. Otherwise, Jason and the O.B. nurse were the ones helping me while I was pushing.

6.) "Proud" has a whole new meaning now. I'm proud that I was able to push her out. I'm proud that I have such a supportive and nurturing husband. And, most of all, I'm proud that I was able to produce such a wonderfully healthy, beautiful baby. The feeling is amazing and brings tears to my eyes even while I'm writing this. We're so blessed and lucky.

So, there it account of the wonderful experience of child birth. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed doing it. It truly was the most amazing experience of my life.


Friday, September 29, 2006

4th Annual Halloween Party

You're invited to our
4th Annual Halloween Party!
Please join us and feel free to bring friends!
When? Saturday, October 28, 2006 6:00 p.m.
Where? The Trombly Home
Who? All ages are welcome
How? Please B.Y.O.B. If you would like to bring a dish to pass, that would be greatly appreciated. Just email me.
Dress? You're not required to dress up, but we WILL be having a contest for best costume (which we are TOTALLY going to win).

Sunday, September 17, 2006

She's Finally Here!!

Please welcome Evelyn Nicole Trombly!

Birthday: September 6, 2006
Time: 11:55 p.m.
Weight: 9 pounds, 7 ounces
Length: 20 1/2 inches

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Looking Back

Well, this pregnancy is almost over and, looking back, it's been quite a ride. Naturally, we've gone through a roller coaster of emotions (and we continually need to remind ourselves that the adventure has just begun).

  • Finding out I was pregnant was exciting.
  • Finding out I was pregnant two days after Jason lost his job was terrifying.
  • Hearing the baby's heartbeat was the best sound to ever hit our ears.
  • Seeing that little bouncy 12-week-old fetus on the ultrasound was indescribable.
  • Seeing Jason's face when they said, "It's a girl" was priceless.
  • Understanding that my body could do this was humbling.
  • Feeling the baby move was fascinating.
  • Seeing the baby make the remote control dance on my belly was hilarious.
  • Truly understanding the love my own mother has for me was enlightening.

I could go on and on with this list, because the variety of emotions and realizations is unending. Instead, I'll start a new list...the list of things I never knew (or realized) about pregnancy:

  • Not only is every pregnancy different, but most women FORGET what their pregnancy was like. This can be mildly frustrating when I'm describing any given symptom and I hear, "Gee, I wish you would just enjoy this pregnancy. I just LOVED being pregnant." *sigh*
  • Not everyone gets morning sickness, but some of us have UNCONTROLLABLE emotions and have to constantly say, "I'm sorry honey. I'm just a little unstable right now."
  • When you're in your second trimester and you think you're uncomfortable...just wait.
  • Sleeping on your stomach is often taken for granted.
  • Sleeping, period, is taken for granted.
  • A pregnant belly is an open invitation for unsolicited advice from strangers, even MEN.
  • The internet is an invaluable resource for pregnant women. If I didn't have the internet to research my symptoms, my doctor probably would've had to issue a restraining order.
  • Allowing someone else to feel the baby move is like sharing the best secret you've ever had with someone you love.
  • They should market that "Life Alert" product for pregnant women. I can see the commercial now, "HELP! I'm in the tub and I can't get out!"
  • They should issue every pregnant woman a personal assistant for two jobs: 1) pushing her up the stairs; and 2) picking anything up that she drops on the floor.
  • Expecting a baby changes your entire outlook on life. Your priorities change completely and what you thought was important before becomes frivolous in the grand scheme of things.

Again, I could go on and on with this list...but I'll spare you from my ramblings. All in all, it's been a wonderful ride...and the fun is just beginning.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

And the Countdown Begins...

It's only 10 days until my due date...and I'm ready to get this party started! The baby clothes are washed and put away, the house is spit-shined, and the hospital bag is packed. All we need now is for our little princess to make her big debut.

The latest news from the doctor is that we are going to have a big baby. She's measuring at 8 lbs 3 oz according to the ultrasound at 38 weeks gestation. While the measurements can be inaccurate, the consensus is: she's big. I've heard that bigger babies are easier babies, but I have a feeling they are referring to AFTER they are born. Either way, we can't wait to meet her!

Kelli was nice enough to start an online "baby pool" for us. To get into the game, go to . Up in the left-hand corner of the screen, where it says "Invited Guests," type in the word evelyn. Then you can enter your guess. I suggest you enter quickly because once I go into labor, the game will be locked and all bets are off.

I'd like to send out a very heartfelt "thank you" for all of you who hosted and/or attended our showers. We had a wonderful time and we were spoiled beyond belief. It's so comforting to know that our baby will be surrounded with such support and love from our family and friends.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

She's in the 'blast off' position!

I went to the doctor today and he said that little Evelyn is in the "head down" position and ready to make her arrival. I'm not dilated or anything, but at least she's in the right position.

We're almost done with the nursery. We just have to put some pictures and stuff up on the walls. Here is a picture of the crib (click on it for a larger image). I think it's just adorable!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

34 week check-up

Jason and I went to my 34 week check-up today. Interestingly enough, I lost four pounds in two weeks. Right before I had a panic attack and headed right for McDonalds, the nurse and the doctor both assured me that it's somewhat normal for my weight range. I've never heard of someone losing weight this far in the game, but if they're not worried, I'm not worried. excuse to eat a triple cheese burger meal.

Besides that, my blood pressure is totally normal (120/80) and the baby's heartbeat was 152. Thankfully, the doctor said everything is moving along right on schedule. I've been experiencing some Braxton Hicks contractions (or "practice contractions") lately. So, we asked him, "How will we know which contractions to pay attention to?" He said, "When you can't talk through them." UGH! I know it's going to hurt...but just hearing him say that sends shivers up my spine. As the due date gets closer, reality is setting in.

We really enjoyed the Rogers baby shower! The food was amazing and we had a great time. Thanks to all who came! And thank you, Mom, for organizing a perfect shower. It was awesome!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

33 Weeks and Counting...

Well, I'm 33 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. For those of you who are mathematically challenged like myself, that means I'm in the first half of my eighth month. I'm feeling really well for as pregnant as I am. Sleeping, bending, and getting up out of chairs are all challenges, but are all to be expected. My doctor's appointments are all going well. I had a bit of a gestational diabetes scare a few weeks ago, but everything turned out okay. Thankfully, everything is coming along nicely.

Jason and I have been working around the house, getting ready for little Eva's arrival. We recently finished painting her room and we got new carpet throughout the house. We also just finished our kitchen. We still have a lot of organizing/rearranging to do in order to make room for all the baby "stuff." I'm hoping my energy will be high enough in this last month to finish my very lengthy "to do" list.

I'm really looking forward to my baby showers! I think we will all be on "cute overload" and I can't wait!


Welcome to Our Blog!

Hi everyone! Welcome to our new family blog! Here, you will see regular updates on our family, including notes about changes in our lives, Eva's milestones, funny stories, plenty of pictures, you name it. Feel free to familiarize yourself with our site and leave plenty of comments.