Saturday, February 03, 2007

Five Months!!

Has it been five months already? I promised myself I wouldn't blink, but I guess I did. So much has happened in five months...I can't even begin to imagine what could happen in five years!! People have warned me that time flies at light speed when you have children, and they weren't kidding.

The days of rocking my tiny little baby are over. I no longer need to hold her little head as I pass her off to Daddy. I no longer need to sanitize each pacifier each time it hits the floor (since she sticks everything in her mouth anyway), I no longer need to sneak into her room to see if the blankets go up and down with each breath. My little teeny newborn is graduating to true babyhood...and the fun is just beginning.

Some things we've learned about Evelyn:

She smiles easily...especially if we lift her over our heads or say "muh muh." She loves songs such as the "ABC's" and "I'm a Little Tea Pot." When Daddy walks in the room and says, "HELLOOOOOO miss EveLYNNN," she shrieks with delight. She sleeps from 7:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. (with exceptions, of course). She likes the book, "Where's Baby's Belly Button." She likes swinging side to side, not front to back. She likes most of her toys...only if she can jam them in her mouth, of course. She thinks it's hilarious when we raise our voices. She gets fussy if she doesn't get the sleep she needs. She doesn't like Dr. Suess books (yet). She smiles as soon as she wakes up. She hates tummy time. She loves laying on the back of the couch to watch the cars drive by. She laughs when something cold hits her lips. She doesn't care if her diaper is dirty or not (which should make potty training interesting). She's not much of a cuddler, but she loves to be held up high on my shoulder and watch what's going on.

It's been a lot of fun getting to know her. And, like I said, the fun is just beginning. Thanks for reading and please leave comments. I'll be using this blog as part of her baby book.



Anonymous said...

time flys. It seems like only yesterday she was born. Hope you enjoy being a mother as much as I do. Lots of luck with her. She has big beautiful blue eyes. Love ya Beth

Anonymous said...

Evelyn is just adorable....those eyes!!! I would love to see a picture with the Roberts "cupie" hair. Gotta love "cupie" hair :) Love, Jill xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Adorable, as always! Her hair seems to be getting lighter. Hope she is loving her new cousin Faith!

Anonymous said...

Our little bitty babies aren't little bitty babies anymore!!! Don't you just wish we could pause time and savor it just a little bit longer? I'm not sure if this is possible but I think Miss Evelyn is getting more gorgeous by the day. Lots of love, Linds

Anonymous said...

Miss Evelyn never ceases to amaze us. She's inherited the Roberts/Trombly Good Nature, but beyond that, her environment with her Mom and Dad has enhanced her personality. She's exposed to 100% love, nurturing, and educational stimuli. What else could a kid ask for?? This Blog is a great way to capture those "fleeting moments." You will all enjoy reflecting back on these messages. We all expect to be there as she goes to her first prom, her graduation, her wedding and her Presidential Inauguration (no pressure Miss Evelyn). If not, she can see the love that was poured out to her throughout her life. Nice job Mandy and Jason! We're so very proud of you and Miss Evelyn!
All our love, Grandpa Roberts and Granny Anny