Sunday, April 08, 2007

Has it been SEVEN months already?

Where has the time gone? Over half a year has gone by since Evelyn's been born. Can you believe it? 'Cause I can't!!

As you can see, she's sitting up on her own. She also makes new sounds like "ga ga da da ba ba bfffffffffffffft" which translates to: "Daddy, please change my poopy diaper." (That's MY translation, anyway).

She continues to investigate the world around her. One interesting thing I've learned about her is that she doesn't like overly sweet stuff. I've given her a taste of ice cream a couple of times and she made an awful face. It was like she wanted to say, "Hey...skip that sweet stuff and bring on the peas." I would really like her to stay that way, but I'm sure that'll change. She loves her veggies. When I feed her peas, green beans, carrots..whatever, she makes "num num" sounds. I just love that.

She's laughing a lot more, too. Daddy gets her belly-laughing by rubbing his face into her ribs or nibbling on her feet. Watching her is hilarious...she can hardly catch her breath. She likes it when I hold a stuffed animal above her while she's laying in her crib. I hold it up, wiggle it, then drop it on her. It cracks her up almost every time.

She's just now learning how to hold her own bottle. Just like anything else, it's like one day, she just *knows* how to do it. It's astounding to watch her strengthen and grow her abilities day by day. It really blows our minds.

Anyway, I'm sorry it's been a MONTH since I've updated our blog. We've been pretty busy with work, family parties, etc. and our day-to-day lives. I'll certainly try to be more vigilant, since many of you have expressed your appreciation of the frequent updates.

As always, we will be using this entire blog as part of Evelyn's baby book, so please...comment away...and don't forget to *sign* it so we know who you are.



Anonymous said...

Look at those eyes!! Just beautiful!!

PS I have updated photos from our NC trip on our blog!!

Fun Aunt Cindy said...

I just love the expression on her face here.....what a cutie. And those big blue eyes. Sorry Jason, but I don't think she will be discussing the convent as thought on last months post. Well maybe, her mom has mentioned entering the convent lately, but that was just a distraction tactic. (this is one of those had to be there comments, only a few will understand)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, though, why enter a convent when she can get tips from her mommy on moves to audition for the Next Pussy Cat Doll? LOL. She is adorable and if you think those seven months went by fast, just wait...! Love, Aunt Jenn

Anonymous said...

Evelyn is SO beautiful and such a good, even-keeled thankful and pray that your next baby doesn't turn out Girl's Gone Wild like SOME little red headed girl we know. All kidding aside, I do really think we have the most adorable little girls in the entire world! I can't wait to see them together in Cananda this summer, they'll have so much fun!!
Lots of love,
Lindsey :)