Wednesday, July 12, 2006

33 Weeks and Counting...

Well, I'm 33 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. For those of you who are mathematically challenged like myself, that means I'm in the first half of my eighth month. I'm feeling really well for as pregnant as I am. Sleeping, bending, and getting up out of chairs are all challenges, but are all to be expected. My doctor's appointments are all going well. I had a bit of a gestational diabetes scare a few weeks ago, but everything turned out okay. Thankfully, everything is coming along nicely.

Jason and I have been working around the house, getting ready for little Eva's arrival. We recently finished painting her room and we got new carpet throughout the house. We also just finished our kitchen. We still have a lot of organizing/rearranging to do in order to make room for all the baby "stuff." I'm hoping my energy will be high enough in this last month to finish my very lengthy "to do" list.

I'm really looking forward to my baby showers! I think we will all be on "cute overload" and I can't wait!


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